Lotus Nei Gong Staff
The CrewLotus Nei Gong is a small team of dedicated internal arts practitioners. Meet the people who run the school…
These are the fine people who work to make sure the organisation runs smoothly. Be nice to them, they make the magic happen!
Dana Ignatov
Organisation & Admin
Dana is the lady you will be speaking to over E-Mail when you first make contact with the school. Dana is a senior student of Damo’s and spends her time studying the arts of Taiji and Nei Gong. Her practice includes Nei Jia training in both Europe and Asia.
Helen Ni
Organisation & Planning
Helen is fascinated by all things ‘Wu Xia’ alongside her love for Taiji and Nei Gong. Helen has been with Lotus Nei Gong for many years, undertaking training with us in America, Europe and Asia. She is in charge of course planning, organisation and event coordination.
Katya Sourkova
Technology & 'Multidimentional Programming'
Katya has been with Lotus Nei Gong for many years. She is a qualified teacher within the school and spends her time travelling and practicing Nei Gong and Taiji. Kat helps to keep the website sorted, make sure that all online stuff works well and then, teaches too.
Thanks Team!
” I am eternally grateful for all the help which I receive from this team, as well as the many other students who give their time to help this school run. Without all this assistance, Lotus Nei Gong would be subject to the chaos of my subpar organisation skills and so grind to a halt. Please show the team the respect that they deserve when dealing with them as they truly enable all of this to happen. “
– Damo Mitchell